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What is a Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System?In grid connected rooftop or small SPV system, the DC power generated from SPV panel is converted to AC power using Inverter and is fed to the grid either of 440/220 Volt three/ single phase line installed at residential, institution/commercial establishment. These systems generate power during the day time which is utilized by powering captive loads and feed excess power to the grid as long as grid is available. In case, where solar power is not sufficient due to cloud cover etc., the captive loads are served by drawing balance power from the grid.
What are the main components?Solar PV Modules/Solar Panels – The Solar PV modules/Solar Panels convert solar energy to electrical energy. They are available in different technologies such as Mono Crystalline, Poly Crystalline, thin film, CIGS, CdTe, HIT, etc. Inverter – Inverter converts DC output of Solar PV panels into AC power. Modules Mounting structure – The mounting structure is the support structure that holds the Solar PV panels Balance of System – These consist of cables, switchboards, junction boxes, meters, structures, earthing system ,circuit breaker, fuses etc.
What is net-metering?The grid connected rooftop system can work on net metering basis wherein the beneficiary pays to the utility on net meter reading i.e. the difference between the import and the export energy, if the imported energy is more than the exported energy. If the exported energy is more than the imported energy the utility will pay to the beneficiary for the net energy exported. This concept is applicable to the solar applications registered before 25.03.2019. Thereafter, net feed-in method of billing is applicable.
What is net feed-in scheme?Under net feed-in scheme for the applications registered on or after 25.03.2019, the surplus/excess energy generated that is unutilized and that flows to the grid at the end of the billing period will be calculated at a tariff fixed by the Hon’ble Commission and credited to the consumer’s account. The energy that is imported from the grid by the consumer will be calculated at the appropriate retail tariff and the monetary value of imported energy debited from the available credit on account of exported energy in the respective billing period. Any credit available in the account of the consumer after debiting value of imported energy will be carried over to the next billing period for adjustments against subsequent billing. If the amount to be debited is higher than the credit in a billing period, the consumer will have to pay the difference in charges.
How much capacity one can install at LT?Depending on the sanctioned demand of the existing service, load requirement of the beneficiary and availability of shadow free rooftop area, the beneficiary may decide the capacity up to 150 kW under LT service.
How much area is required for a 1 kW rooftop Solar PV system?A 1 kW rooftop system generally requires 10 sq. meters of shadow-free area. Actual sizing, however, depends on local factors of solar radiation and weather conditions, efficiency of solar module, shape of the roof etc.
What are the advantages of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (RTS) System?Cheaper and environment friendly electricity. Excess energy can be fed into the grid with tariff as determined by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions . Electricity generation occurs at consumption center thus, saving transmission and distribution losses Subsidy is available from the Central Government for domestic category (residential) of LT consumers. Lower payback period. 25 years guaranteed lifespan of the solar photovoltaic panels Highly modular Quick installation
How much electricity does a Grid Connected Rooftop Solar System Generate?The Grid Connected Rooftop Solar system installed on a roof will generate an average of 4 to 5 units of electricity per kWh per day.
Do I need a permission from the Municipal Authorities or Pollution Control Board?Not Required
What kind of electrical loads can be connected with Rooftop Solar System?All kind of loads, including inductive, capacitive and lighting load in category of LT services expect hut and agriculture can be connected with Rooftop Solar (RTS) system.
What is the lifespan of the RTS plant?A Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (RTS) power plant has minimum lifespan of 25 years.
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